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24 May 2023 - XLD Commodities
Canola - Haloxyfop Use
Grain and Oilseed Technical Update

13 April 2023
Tasmania smashes harvest record ​
Tasmania has set a new harvest record over the summer just gone based on the biggest ever production of its three main winter crops: wheat, barley and canola.
9 Feb 2023
Women sharing the load in agriculture as Tasmania experiences hectic grain harvest
Women have been playing a bigger role in Tasmania's bumper grain harvest this summer.
Tasmania is the last state in Australia to bring in its crop this season.
14 April 2023 - ABC Radio
The long grain harvest in Tasmania comes to a close
One of the Tasmania's largest grain handlers has finally wrapped up harvest after 5 months.

13 Jan 2023
Quality key to late harvest
EXCEPTIONAL quality could help offset what has been a difficult season for Tasmanian cereal growers. The state’s cereal and seed harvest is now underway following a delayed start due to cool and wet conditions during spring.
19 Jan 2023
Tasmanian Country Hour​
The grain season is well underway with processors running out of room for the bumper crop (from 32 minute point).
2 Feb 2022
Record year as grain keeps delivering
GRAIN buyer XLD Commodities, which has silo storage at Powranna in the Northern Midlands, has doubled its handling of the harvest since it took over the site in summer last year.